Sportsbasics cooperate with e.g. the Danish Handball Federation, Swedish Gymnastic Federation, Swedish Handball Federation and

Are you a Coach?
Personalize the training
Keep track on your athletes programs
Create all-round athletes an train broad
Better training with focus on warm up
Solution for the Club?
Save time and use ready-made programs
Create context in the clubs physical training
Avoid unnecessary injuries
Create continuity and vary the daily training
For the Federation?
Create the foundation of your future National Team
Reduce the risk of injuries
Become a Partner and get better prices can be used by all coaches
ready-made programs
exercises on video
concepts for specific sports
uses Sportsbasics today
This makes Sportsbasics unique!

Training concept for all sports is a unique pedagogical tool for coaches to increase and develop the athletes different skills.

Flexible and Innovative
As a coach it is very important to motivate your athletes and one of the most important methods is to vary the training.